The ability to tell a good story is one of the most creative processes that a person can do. You are forever generating ideas with the aim of slotting together a structure that makes sense; a single sentence that pops out of your head can have the potential of becoming one of the most well told stories that future generations can enjoy.

I admire anybody with the skill of creatively writing a piece that is both entertaining and thought provoking. It is the words on a page and the ideas encoded within them that make us think, question,  or even judge.

Below are some samples of my own work. My writing is still in progress and it is essential for any writer to keep practicing their craft as it is the only way to keep learning and growing.

I hope you enjoy these short stories and if you have any comments or suggestions I would greatly appreciate them. And if you have written a piece, I would look forward to reading it.

  • Matthias: Last Hours

“Deep within a dissident haunt, ancient inscriptions of a deep rooted language are etched into the coarse granite walls of a stark chamber. A sinister archway leads to a spiral stairwell whose marble steps descend to the cold dark space below where a large percale olive rug circled by wan candles, dominates the room. Sat in the centre, cross legged is Matthias, a handsome pale man.. His eyes are closed, deep in concentration and his smooth milky arms relax comfortably on either side. Matthias’ rebellious chestnut hair rolls defiantly down his smooth back and the absence of a shirt conspicuously reveals inscriptions cut into his chest, identical to the ones on the walls. A short stocky butler by the name of Hawkins, wearing formal attire, ghosts down the steps and into Matthias’ solitary space. He is carrying a glass of deep crimson liquid and his face expresses deep concern for the young warrior…”

To read the entire story please click here.

  • Wings of Fate
“A malevolent fire pit rages centrally within an imposing, ceremonial cavern. Suspended above it is a large golden ring, interconnected by a golden hub and spokes. A surge of clamouring Dyphon’s, winged female animalistic creatures with deep rooted red fangs and deadly claws, pound upon the outer part of the ring. They shriek violently as Queen Vennesma, wearing a golden bodice, ripped skirt and leggings, strides proudly into the cave. She raises her hands in acknowledgment, bites hard on her lower lip and spurts out blood into the fire pit. The High Council of the Dyphon’s follows suit as Queen Vennesma’s athletic legs press down hard upon the rough floor and spring her upwards. Simultaneously, her expansive ash coloured wings proudly extend and transport her gracefully onto the outer edge of the ring…”

To read the entire story please click here. 

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